Thursday, September 25, 2008

Be Careful What You Ask For

I was asked a couple of months ago to speak at a women's luncheon next Wednesday. The topic is "Laying Aside the Flesh and Running With The Spirit". I've had an idea of what direction I'm supposed to take it in, but honestly with all that's been going on in our family lately I haven't had much time until today to sit down and write it all out.

I've been particularly struggling with an intro. Not the most important part of a talk, I know, but you do want to have a good way to start off your journey with someone. So I have been wracking my brain for the past week or so trying to come up with a way to start this talk - some story about trying to run and being hindered or tripped up. I just kept praying and asking the Lord to help me out so I could get the creative juices flowing, but there was just nothing but a "wait and see, it will all come together" kind of feeling.

Then there was yesterday.

My husband and I decided we needed to put air in the tires on the van. We were down to our last 3 quarters in change in the car, and one air hose session cost $.75 (of course). So we were bent and determined to fill up all four tires without having to go get more change. Time to attack this thing NASCAR style, huh?

So the plan was that he would gage the tires, and I would fill them, then he would run around and recheck them and I would top them off. Sounded great, but running with a hose apparently isn't my forte. I'm sure you've guessed by now what happened - I totally tripped over the hose and crashed shoulder-first into a stucco wall. Yeah, are you laughing like my husband was? Mmm-hmm - it was hilarious - just keep on laughing.

It scraped up my whole left arm, bruised my shoulder blade, left my shoulder stiff and (I'm pretty sure) realigned some of the vertebrae in my upper back. Lovely. But at least I now have a story for my intro...

I'm going to go find an ice pack and call my chiropractor. You just keep laughing.


megs @ whadusay said...

I'm trying not to laugh at your expense, really I am. :)

On Purpose said...

Okay help me out here...was the brick wall the Holy Spirit or the air hose! (hehe)

Love to you!

Praying and knowing God is going to bless the hearers of His word next week at the luncheon!

Jami said...

Oh you poor poor thing!! Yes, it will be a good intro though! :)

Love you!