Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm Actually Looking For A Rut

Hello to all. Thanks for praying for my sister - she is at home and doing very well! God is truly amazing!

I wish I had something profound to write today, but I'm afraid I don't, really. Not that God hasn't been working in my life lately - it's just that I haven't had time to process it all and put it into words. In fact, He's shown me some pretty profound things over the past week or two, and I can't wait to figure out how to communicate them. For now, though, I think I feel a little like life is running over me like a steam roller. If this gives you any idea of what I mean - I went to bed last night at 8:40. By the way, 5:30 still comes early, regardless of when you fall asleep!

I guess there's just been a lot going on lately, you know? And the thing of it is, I'm a routine person. As bored as I can get with repetition, I absolutely have to have a routine. I kind of feel lost and unorganized without one, you know? I've been thinking since school started a couple of months ago that I would fall into one, but it just hasn't happened yet. I've tried and tried, but every time I think I find a routine that works for the week, something comes along to change it. I'm starting to wonder if God is trying to tell me something...

What about you? Are you a routine person? Or has God given you some great insight about why you shouldn't have a routine? I'm just curious this morning. Well, curious and wishing that I had some sort of plan for getting everything done this week that needs to get done.

Uh-oh - I think I hear that steamroller coming back for another pass...


megs @ whadusay said...

Sorry I will be no help today. It is one of those Monday mornings where my house feels like a complete disaster area and as a result has rendered me overwhelmed and useless! All I want to do is lay on the sofa, put the kids in front of a video and try to forget about all the things I need to do this week.

I don't really need a rut, but some motivation would be nice.

On Purpose said...

Glad to hear that your sister is doing better.

Does it make me crazy if I like to have a spontaneous routine?