Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Than Enough

Last Sunday our church gathered for our annual end-of-the-summer picnic at the lake. Even though it usually feels like it’s 110 degrees outside, it’s definitely one of the most fun things we do together as a church family all year.

This year the youth played ultimate Frisbee and the adults sat around and fellowshipped with old friends and new comers alike. Then, after dinner, we all gathered near the water’s edge to listen to the praise band, worship and celebrate the gift of baptism. I was re-baptized there myself last year, and as I watched others being buried to their sin and raised to new life this time, I was reminded of all the Lord had washed from my soul just 12 months before.

I officially died to my pride that day at the river last year. Not to say that I haven’t struggled with pride since then or that I’m the most humble Christian on the planet, because I have struggled, and most days I certainly wouldn’t consider myself humble. But, I died to the hold pride had on my heart. I surrendered myself and my will to God, making a new commitment to walk in obedience with Him, and things certainly have been an adventure since then.

After several people dedicated their lives to the Lord through baptism, we broke into groups to share communion. It was during this time that God spoke to my heart and shared something with me that I hope I never forget.

As I took the bread and the wine, I stepped away from the group and looked out over the lake God had used to swallow my sins and give me new life. The sun was setting behind the mountain and the water reflected the warmth of the evening sky with golden ripples. I breathed deep the beauty of life with Jesus and silently prayed, “Thank you, Lord, for loving me enough to die for me.”

That’s when He spoke. It was simple, yet deep and convicting.

“Enough” to die for you? I felt Him say. Oh, I love you way more than that.

I hadn’t thought about it that way before, but it’s true – God’s love didn’t just go as far as the cross and stop there. Jesus didn’t just love us to a certain extent and then hit a wall. No, His love extends far beyond those nails and His pain. I think I’m beginning to see that the Cross was just the start of His love. His daily touch on our souls is proof that He loves us more than we can ever imagine, even more than we reason He must have to want to die for us.

How about you? What makes you realize that God loves you more than “just enough” to die for you? How has He loved you deeply lately?

I’m looking forward to keeping the eyes of my heart open the next little while to see the deep confirmations of His heart in the smallest of things in my life.

I’m so amazed by my Jesus today!


megs @ whadusay said...

Thank you for sharing this - it really blessed me today.

On Purpose said...

This is a great way to start my day. Thank you so much for this blog.

You are an amazing person...God is really smiling down on your right now.

You have shared such a beatutiful moment with us all.

May we live today knowing God loves us a bunch!!

Jami said...

Wow Sam - what a great thought! Thanks for sharing, my friend! :)