Monday, January 28, 2008

Check it out!

I just wanted to share with you all that I had a devotional published this morning on the Next Generation site (Next Generation is a part of Proverbs 31 ministries that reaches out to middle school and high school youth). If you're interested in checking it out, you can read it by clicking here.

Thanks for letting me share!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey sis!

I am afraid you don't own the "original thought" award for the limo window... I am 4 kids ahead of you, remember :-) And, you know I can actually build it! My wife is a Rocket Scientist, and my Church mentor is a car geek...
Now that you have breached the peace with the aforementioned pane of silence, throw out the heated seat option. What about BUZZ SEATS?... a remote control that operates buzzers in each of their little seats? For the truly blessed with more than 5 crumb crunchers (who undoubtedly are starting to lose their minds), there is a seating chart with numbers. "ok 7, one more whine out of you and you are going to get the BUZZ..."