Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dear Target

OK, after all the weird, unexpected stuff that happened over the holidays from the sickness to wrecking the car (which, by the way, my husband informs me only spun once, and actually hit the other sign on that stretch of road that says "School Bus Stop Ahead"), the thing that really brought be down the other day was finding out that our local Target closed their private family-friendly bathroom to the public. That was one of the most endearing features of Target stores to me! I love that bathroom - I love the privacy and not having to haul my kids into the chaos of a shared restroom. But it's all gone now. So what does a writer do when she finds her toes stepped upon? She writes a letter! Here's the "eye" full (I don't suppose it can be an "ear" full if you don't say it outloud) Target got from me this week:

To Whom It May Concern:

I love Target. I’m there so often I wonder sometimes if I should have my own personal message center for friends and family to communicate with me, just in case my cell phone battery dies. My favorite thing about Targets nation-wide (in addition to the fabulous clearance, of course, that makes year-round Christmas shopping for 13 nieces and nephews and two sons even possible on our little family budget), is that little family-friendly bathroom tucked away beside the pharmacy in newer stores and often near the dressing rooms in some older ones.

Hooray! Finally a store that gets it! No more need for a mass family exodus from the shopping area when the five year old has to go! Mom can safely and confidently send her young one into the single-person bathroom while little brother sits safely and cleanly in the cart, and she stands in the doorway to offer instruction. In the rare instance that (Heaven forbid) Mom herself is the one with the urge, the entire family can nicely fit in there all together. Meanwhile the buggy is parked right outside in a nice “Please-don’t-touch-this-I’m-just-on-the-other-side-of-the-door” kind of way, keeping other bargain hunters on the honor system regarding that aforementioned fabulous clearance that’s already been claimed.

Imagine my complete disappointment, then, when just yesterday we were on our second Target run of the week and as my five year announced his need to go “really bad”, we found things had changed. We arrived at my favorite store feature only to find that our beloved door handle had been replaced with a keypad, and, where there once was the universal stick figure plaque welcoming men, women and children of all physical abilities, we were greeted with a not-so-gentle red sign that read: “Team Members Only”. This meant rushing to the front of the store, taking the two year old out of the seat I had just spent the past 30 minutes trying desperately to keep him in, leaving the cart with a silent prayer that no shoppers would plunder my after-Christmas clearance or that my collected items would be mistakenly restocked by a well-meaning Team Member, waiting in line for a stall which I had to send my son into alone (who knows what went on in there…honestly – it’s not pretty sometimes), fighting with the two year old who now thought he was free and wanted to “wash his hands” (which really means play in the water in the sink), and dealing with the annoyed look of other Target “Guests” who don’t have children and didn’t understand the trauma I was putting them all through at the moment. Not fun.

I like that you call us “Guests” – it has a special feel to it. The private family bathroom had a special feel too, and it made sense. When asked to borrow the restroom in my own home, I wouldn’t tell my guests, “Why, sure you can borrow it! Not that one right there, though, that one’s mine. To get to yours, just take all your kids, please, and leave your lunch – don’t worry, I’m sure the dog won’t eat it…he doesn’t look that hungry. Go outside, around the porch, down the stairs and it’s in the back of the garage. You have to share it with the neighbors, though, so don’t be surprised if Mrs. Beetle’s in there. She’s a little grumpy, but don’t mind her – she just hates kids” (a little ridiculous, I admit, but I think you get my point).

I don’t know if the “Team Members Only” bathroom is just a local instance of having our guest privileges revoked, or if all Targets are going with the exclusive clubhouse feel. I certainly hope, however, that you’ll reconsider locking that door to the public. I’m sure I’m not the only mom who cherishes that part of her shopping experience, not to mention people who must shop with the elderly or handicapped who require much more assistance than the rest of the public needs to witness in a multi-stalled restroom. Just Google “Target +family restroom” sometime and see how praised a feature it is!

Thanks for letting me vent and for (hopefully) considering my request to have things restored to the way they were. If I’m truly just out of luck, however, could you please at least consider changing the color of the sign that tells me I’m not welcome anymore to white? Red, though very “Target-like”, just seems so mean.

Disappointed and Inconvenienced,

Samantha Roberts

Just so you know, they called me within 24 hours of receiving the letter to say that the reason the bathroom had been locked up was a lot of "illegal" activity that had gone on in there (hmmm...I'll leave that one alone...). If I really needed to use it, however, she said I could. I truly hate it when the rest of us have to suffer because of a few people who can't play by the rules. Thanks "illegal activity" people - you just really bummed me out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knowing that there was "a lot" of illegal activity going on in that bathroom, would you really want to use it again? =) Just a thought.