Thursday, November 27, 2008

Um, Thanks?

Last weekend Little Man came home from church with a treasure box he had made in Sunday School. It's a small, round wooden box with the words "I'm thankful for..." penned around the lid and a few flashy jewels glued on top by the little guy himself. Inside was a single piece of paper telling us what he is most thankful for in this life. You want to know what it said?

" kitty who throws up and vomits."

Yeah, buddy - me too. Meee toooo.

Happy Thanksgiving, whatever you're thankful for!



megs @ whadusay said...

That made me laugh.

Kids are so funny!

Jami said...

Oh my! Sam, I'm thankful for you!! I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey this is hawky! i love it when my dogs throw up it is so awesome! lol jk