Saturday, November 1, 2008


Ok, so I'm like the worst blogger ever lately. It's not that there hasn't been anything "blog-worthy" going on - in fact it's quite the opposite. There's been so much going on in our lives it's hard to stop and take a breath, much less sit down and write about it. So for those of you who used to check in regularly (like when I posted regularly), please forgive me and please don't give up on me yet. I'm not done - I haven't quit a blogging "phase" - I just have to get a grip on this whirlwind of activities, events and deadlines we call "life". Sometimes I feel like we're so busy doing the business of "life" that we don't have time to actually live it! What happened?

But don't take this as an all doom-and-gloom attitude on my part. I think we are just in a season of life where we're not only learning to adjust to new things, but we're also learning how to say "no". As you can tell, we're not so good at that last part yet, but we will be! And our family will be stronger for it!

Anyway, as a goodwill gesture (and a way to actually post something on this day when I have two sick kids and a husband who is away for the day), I thought I would offer up a little lighthearted "piece" on how to decipher some of the lingo in our household. Enjoy, and pray that my priorities will come into focus soon so that I can be back in the swing of writing!

A dictionary of terms you’ll need encase you visit my house someday:

Joopbits – the small wooden things Daddy likes to stick in his mouth after dinner.

Shark – 1. a sometimes rather large and possibly ferocious sea creature; 2. the name for anything that has a point on it or could cut you (as in a “shark” knife or a “shark” joopbit).

Pinato – a musical instrument consisting of black and white keys. Instrument is usually played with your hands in loud banging patterns that adults find quite annoying (unless they aren’t in charge of you and then it becomes “cute”).

Bwudder – a male sibling. *Note: can be interchanged with “punching bag”, “scapegoat”, and on rare occasions “best friend”.

Bonina – a long, yellow fruit that can be peeled, smashed and ground into the carpet when mom isn’t looking.

Peapop – a very colorful exotic bird which can be found at the zoo and in the woods around Aunt Kellee’s house.

Poskickles – a cold, frozen treat that is best served in the bathtub or to shirtless wonders in their swimming trunks.

Nightberries – bad dreams you have after you see something scary that you weren’t supposed to be watching in the first place

The King, aka The Princess – the principal at Big “Bwudder’s” school who gets him out of the car every morning. Yeah, he’s famous.

Pahtark – tasty toaster pastry usually served at breakfast. Can be found in rogue trace amounts in the couch cushions, the carpet, the arm chair… (why do we buy those things again?)

Chickenpway – our favorite fast food restaurant, home of the “pway pwace”, our favorite milkshakes, and (of course) the cow we're scared of but always want to see!

Magnetized - what happened to the boys' cousin when our pastor dunked him under the water during church the other day!


Jami said...

Hello there my friend! It's great to "hear" from you again! :)

Sounds like you're learning some good things! :) Love you!

On Purpose said...

This is a great "dictionary" of vocabulary!

Praying and knowing God is developing some great character to be used to build His kingdom. Remember He doesn't waste anything!

Love to you my friend!

emily freeman said...

Sam, this is a great post. I loved it!!! The famous King in the carpool line and the Pinato were my favs! Oh. And Shark! The Shark Joopbit! Ha!