Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pop Tarts Are Dangerous

Oldest Son: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Me: "Packing your lunch for school." (pre-school, might I add...)

Son: "Oh. You puttin' some fish cookies in there?"

Me: "Of course!"

Son: "But not Pop Tarts. Don't put any Pop Tarts in there."

Me: "Why?"

Son: "Because Pop Tarts are dan-ger-ous!"

Me: "Why are Pop Tarts so dangerous?"

Son: "Because the girls will see them and they'll say 'Eww, I don't like Pop Tarts...' So that means they're dangerous."

Hmmm, and so it begins.....

Wanna know what else I learned about Pop Tarts this week? If your two year old son picks out the Barbie Island Princess Pop Tarts at the store, your five year old son will still eat them if you hide them in a leftover Pop Tart box that isn't pink. Yeah, I live a life of deception.


1 comment:

Jami said...

And so it begins is right!

Thanks for joining the fun - great story! :)

Love you!