Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Toothless Wonder

I have a lot on my mind today, but at the same time I'm having one of those days where it's difficult for me to express myself very well. So, being that I'm at a unique loss for words, I thought I'd just share a snapshot from the lighter side of life around here. Check it out - my little boy is growing up! Two teeth gone this month and only 14 days of Kindergarden left! Where does the time go?

Between his seriously cute gaping hole and my soon-to-be-in-place braces, I guess we won't be eating a ton of corn on the cob this summer, will we?

I hoping to have something better for you all soon, but until then I'll leave you with this thought from Adrian Rodgers that I heard on the radio this afternoon:

When we tell a story in preschool about a frog becoming a prince, it's called a fairy tale. When we tell the same story in school, it's called science.

How's that for a discussion starter?

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