Monday, February 9, 2009

Little Man, Big Personality

I just wanted to post this morning to let you know how much (for the moment, anyway), I’m enjoying my three year old. I know he doesn’t get a lot of great press on here sometimes, but he really is a fun kid to be around! There is truly never a dull moment with him.

Just to give a few examples, yesterday at church he told all the teachers in his preschool class that I had a baby in my belly. It took me nearly all day to dispel that rumor. But I do have to give him credit – he knows what (he thinks) he wants, and he knows (how he thinks) to get it! I keep trying to tell him that he probably wouldn’t enjoy the baby so much when it came out of my belly, but he doesn’t get it yet. I also told him that if he really wants that to happen, he has to talk to Jesus and Daddy, and not necessarily in that order.

Then this morning I looked up to see him making a funny face and pushing his arms through the air in rhythm. When I asked him what he was doing he look at me like I was the obviously weird one, and said, “I’m swimming! And now I’m going to swim downstairs! Bye Mom!” Then he really did it – he “swam” all the way downstairs. And I have no doubt that he kept “swimming” long after I couldn’t see him!

Just a few minutes ago he was sitting next to me watching me type and had his hands between his knees. I guess he must have banged his knees together and hurt his finger a little, because he suddenly said, “Ow! Mom – my leg elbows just hurt my finger!” Leg elbows? Well, that’s classic Little Man for you!

Of course in the midst of all this fun there still is that other side of Little Man: washing his hands in the toilet this morning; sneaking an apple juice slush from Sonic into his bed last night so that he woke up in a dream-shattering icy pool somewhere around midnight; and most recently climbing on a bathroom stool on top of a chair in the kitchen to try and reach the candy stash. Oh yeah – trouble time.

So think of all the things you just read, and marinate in the fact that all of this happened within the last 24 hours, most of it in the last 4. Yeah, our days are colorful to say the least!

I’m thanking the Lord this morning for my very active, very not-boring three year old! He keeps me on my toes!


On Purpose said...

So I read this and then I see these cute, adorable, cheek needed to be squeezed and my hearts melts and I can't even remember anything about a hand washin' incident in a toilet!

Anonymous said...

I feel so incredibly old seeing those pictures! I remember talking to your stomach and visiting in the hospital. We must arrange a weekend trip!