Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Please Pray for Baby Jonah!

Hey friends! I'm thick in the process of reformatting one of my books for self-publishing on the web, and I have to be honest - my hands are a-killin' me. Carpal Tunnel is such a cruel writing companion...

So being that I really wanted to post something for you today but should be taking a break, I thought I'd post a link to a family who has really been on my mind over the past week or so.

The Williams family from Winston-Salem, NC are friends of friends for us. To put it mildly, they've had a rough go at life over the past year. There first son, Gabe, was still born in April of last year. Then on February 27th, Patrice gave birth to Jonah, a beautiful little guy who has a horrible condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa - a rare skin disorder that causes his skin to blister and peel off at the slightest touch. They can't even really pick him up and hold him, though they finally got to cuddle him through a pile of blankets this past weekend! Can you imagine not being able to touch and hold your newborn baby boy?

I am happy to report that though Jonah is still in a lot of pain, he is doing really well today! He is still in the hospital, and every day is a new challenge as they learn how to feed and care for him, but their thankfulness for each little victory is a testimony to God's greatness.

Patrice is a great blogger, updating with posts every day (sometimes even more than one day), so it's easy to keep track of his progress and know what to pray for on a daily basis!

Please join me and thousands of others in praying for baby Jonah and his parents Patrice and Matt. Their story is one that will both break your heart and inspire your faith. Just click on the link below to visit their site.

Thanks friends, and I'll see you again soon (when I can type more!)

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