Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well, That's A New One...

I wanted to have a great well thought-out post for you today, but my usual writing time was replaced by some fun, unexpected frolicking in the snow with my little men! Hopefully I'll get a chance soon to post some pictures of our winter wonderland fun, but until then, I didn't want to leave you hanging with nothing to read (as if reading my blog actually completes something in your life), so I wanted to throw out this thought for you:

I was out microwave looking the other day. We need a new one, but we can't really afford one right now. Can't hurt to look though, right? Well, I had no idea that people's microwaving needs had changed so much lately, but did you know that you can actually purchase a microwave with a one-touch preset button for ice cream?

Yes, I said ice cream. It also has buttons for fresh vegetables, pop corn and beverages, just in case you're one of those boring normal people who uses their microwave for mundane heating tasks.

Hmmm... what's the culinary world coming to? I mean, ice cream?


On Purpose said...

Okay seriously don't leave us hanging like this...what is the ice cream button for?

Jami said...

oh Sam - I've totally microwaved my ice cream before!!!!! you know when you buy a half gallon and it is rock hard...simply zap it for a few seconds and it's perfect! :)

I don't have the specialty microwave with that specific button though...too bad we recently purchased one! :)