Thursday, August 21, 2008

In Kindergarten? Really?

10 Things about Kindergarten I wasn’t prepared for:

1. When I got up this morning I could see a star in the sky

2. When I got up this morning the dishwasher was still warm from running the night before

3. When I was getting my boys out of bed, the school bus going to their school drove by (6:40 am!)

4. Their dress code actually includes the rule, “Cover all tattoos and piercings”

5. They eat lunch at 10:30 in the morning

6. They have homework every night

7. Only one working toilet in the boys’ bathroom actually has a door

8. None of the clocks in the hallway show the right time (unless it really is 4:30 am when we
get there)

9. Peer pressure is just as real at 5 as it is at 15

10. School can be just as fun for mom as it is for the kids!


Jami said...

hmmmm, I'm wondering what my 10 things will be.

How does your son like it?

On Purpose said...

Yikes this actually sounds scary to me...was I supposed to get scared reading this list?