I need some bloggy friend help. I've been asked to teach a seminar at our fall women's conference in August. Originally I was asked to teach about mentoring teenaged girls (which I'm realizing now I probably should have stuck with). But I asked if perhaps I could teach a session on bargain hunting and couponing. They said yes, titled it "Creative Budgeting" and everyone was excited.
Then something changed (yet again) in the economy.
Now instead of getting stuff for free and $.20 every week, I'm happy when it's just under a dollar. Most of my best secrets aren't really working right now - the sales are fewer and we don't even get coupons some Sundays.
So here's where I need your help. Do you have any great tips on bargain hunting or couponing that you could share? I'd love to hear them. And who knows? If you give an absolutely fabulous tip, you're name might show up in my Power Point...(ok, don't let that scare you off...I really need some help!)
Post a comment below and share your best advice. Then say a little prayer for me that I come up with some good stuff for this seminar!
There is a great blog out there called money saving mom - you can find it at (what a surprise!)http://www.moneysavingmom.com/
People will send in the deals/coupons/freebies they find and they are posted on this blog. It has great ideas and is a great resource.
The blog's author also posts about other financial/money saving topics.
Hope this helps!
Sam I wish I could help but I just put a plea out for this very help myself!!
I'll check back for good ideas!
Love you!
Hi Samantha,
I love this idea!
I don't know how much help I'll be because I rarely use coupons however I have not spent over $250 a month for groceries in the past 3years. I own a deep freezer and always freeze leftovers. I cook 4-5 days a week...cooking as if I am feeding 5-6 people. It is amazing but the more people you are cooking for the less it cost. Bigger packages cost less especially if you can buy in bulk like at SAMS. In the summer my parents have a huge garden and we can or freeze the veggies ourselves. It is a little time consumming but fun. Nothing is better than homemade jams or jellies. It is also nice because we can have some of my favorite summer squash all year long.
Also, I only spend cash on groceries. It is too easy to buy more than I need if I use the card. Using cash means I can only get what equals the amount I have in hand. When I fist started doing tis I was amazed at how much snack food suddenly got left on the shelf!
When looking at buying any food item don't look at bargins the way the store wants you to do. I look at how many meals/servings I can actually get out of it (don't go by the package theie idea of servings are either too small or too big.)
Lastly and most imortant I pray. I ask God to guide every purchase. I believe with all my heart that everything we have belongs to God. If that is the case then I must ask Him to show me what food needs to be in my cabinets.
I'll be praying for you. Let me know how it goes!
Pamela R.
Above is some great advice! This is a great and much needed session. I am praying that God will bring you some awesome material to share at the conference.
I tend to find when I meal/menu plan instead of impulse meal shop our money goes farther!
Well, dear cool and great roommate, I wish I can help you, but this my weak spot. I wish I can be there to learn. Like Jami, I am pleading for help.
Good luck. Looks like you already have some great tips up there.
I'll be praying for you. Shoua
Hi, My ideas...Buy less packaged food and COOK. I know that is not what some of us want to hear but... Also shop the outside aisles of the grocery store, it is healthier for you. My doctor said that and I believe her. :) Balance health and cost. If you are looking for ways to cut expenses for furniture, household items, etc try Craigslist.org. You can also sell some unwanted items and get some cash for them. Cash for clutter! That works! Do not go to the grocery store hungry like I did tonight. I bought stuff for Rice Krispie treats and bread pudding with Rum sauce. I do not need that but I was craving sweets! At least I have to COOK before I can devour them. Good luck with your talk!
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